Simplicity Linux 15.1 Beta 发布,Puppy Linux的衍生物

jopen 9年前

Simplicity Linux是Puppy Linux的衍生物,它采用LXDE作为缺省桌面环境。它以四种样式提供:Obsidian版、Netbook版、Desktop版、Media版。 Netbook版的特色在于云计算软件,Desktop版提供一套通用软件,Media版则为使用PC机的家宅一族提供对媒体的简便访问。

So, after a few setbacks in November, and the inevitable December chaos, we are proud to announce the Beta release of Simplicity 15.1, based on Slacko Puppy.  The full release will be available at the end of the January.

We are releasing Netbook, Desktop and X 15.1.  Both Netbook and Desktop are 32-Bit releases, but X 15.1 Beta is our first ever 64-bit release.

Netbook as usual has few applications, and this time we’ve really tried to cut back on the local applications included.  The idea is that Netbook is designed to be minimalistic and use cloud based applications.  You can download Netbook 15.1 Beta from here:

Desktop is our more fully featured edition.  It has applications preinstalled, and therefore is a little bit bigger.  It ships with Dropbox, Chrome, and the NSS 3.16.2 libs, meaning that you can watch Netflix on Simplicity Desktop 15.1.  This will be available in the final edition of Netbook 15.1 too.  You can get Simplicity Linux Desktop 15.1 Beta from here:

Lastly is X 15.1.  X, as always, is our experimental release.  It is not finished or polished, but more of an example of where Simplicity Linux could be headed.  For this release we have switched the base to Slacko64 using KDE 3.10 as the desktop environment, making Simplicity X 15.1 Beta our first ever 64-Bit release.  It is very rough and unpolished, but we’re hoping to make it look and feel a lot better when we release Simplicity X 15.1 Final.  You can get Simplicity X 15.1 Beta here:

We hope you enjoy using these releases, and if you have any feedback, please leave us comments!