Simplicity Linux 14.1 Beta 发布

jopen 11年前

Simplicity Linux是Puppy Linux的衍生物,它采用LXDE作为缺省桌面环境。它以四种样式提供:Obsidian版、Netbook版、Desktop版、Media版。Netbook版的特色在于云计算软件,Desktop版提供一套通用软件,Media版则为使用PC机的家宅一族提供对媒体的简便访问。
Simplicity Linux 14.1 Beta 发布
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 14.1, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution for desktops and netbooks: " We have finally released Simplicity Linux 14.1 beta. One of the big changes we have made this time around is that we have changed the default browser from Firefox to Chromium. This is based on what we have observed from CPU usage. Whilst Chromium may create a new instance per tab, we have noticed that Firefox uses far more CPU resources, which goes against what we are working towards - an efficient Linux distribution. As usual you get LibreOffice, Skype, Dropbox, OnLive and WINE. We have also included Java, which does make the Desktop edition a lot heavier than before, but we think that it's worth the added size. Another change we have made is not to include VLC or any other media player." Here is the release announcement. Download: Desktop141Beta.iso (523MB), Netbook141Beta.iso (233MB).
Simplicity Linux 14.1 Beta 发布