Simplicity Linux 13.10 Beta 发布

jopen 11年前

Simplicity Linux是Puppy Linux的衍生物,它采用LXDE作为缺省桌面环境。它以四种样式提供:Obsidian版、Netbook版、Desktop版、Media版。Netbook版的特色在于云计算软件,Desktop版提供一套通用软件,Media版则为使用PC机的家宅一族提供对媒体的简便访问。
Simplicity Linux 13.10 Beta 发布
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 13.10, a Puppy-based distribution designed for desktops, netbooks and media centres: " Simplicity 13.10 beta releases are now available for download. As with all beta releases, they're still not the finished product, but they're a lot closer to it than the alpha releases. We wouldn't recommend you use this as your day-to-day OS, but you can download it, use UNetbootin to install it to a USB key and play with it without affecting your computer. The biggest change we have made is getting rid of the horrible LXDE menu. We knew it had problems, so we fixed it using Xfce AppFinder. Personally, I think it's better than trawling through menus to find what you're looking for. It's not perfect, but we're working on the bugs. We've also updated the repositories for you, so they should be up to date when you boot up." Continue to the release announcement to find out more. Download links: Desktop1310Beta.iso (300MB), Netbook1310Beta.iso (203MB), Media1310Beta.iso (367MB). Simplicity Linux 13.10 Beta 发布