高性能网络框架,Netty 4.0.33.Final 发布

jopen 8年前

Netty 提供异步的、事件驱动的网络应用程序框架和工具,用以快速开发高性能、高可靠性的网络服务器和客户端程序。


高性能网络框架,Netty 4.0.33.Final 发布

Netty 4.0.33 发布,此版本包括 60+ 改进:bug 修复,性能改进和新特性。


  • Fix race-condition when allocate from multiple-thread (#4388) (#4198)

  • OpenSslServerContext reinitializes the provided TrustManagerFactory with the key cert chain (#4387) (#4355)

  • Improve size calculation of messages when written from outside the EventLoop (#4380) (#4363)

  • Always return a real slice even when the length is 0 (#4368)

  • Fix possible assert error in GlobalEventExecutor (#4367) (#4357)

  • Correctly handle bitshifting if system does not support unaligned access (#4366)

  • Add *UnsafeHeapByteBuf for improve performance on systems with sun.misc.Unsafe (#4361)

  • Allow to disable reference count checks on every access of the ByteBuf (#4344)

  • A number of toString() methods on classes that implement ByteBufHolder can throw IllegalReferenceCountException (#4327)

  • Forward decoded messages more frequently (#4322) (#4284)

  • Ensure pending tasks are run when EmbeddedChannel.close(...) (#4322) (#4284

  • Implement SSLSession.invalidate() and isValid() for OpenSSLEngine (#4307)

  • Add support for server-side renegotiation when using OpenSslEngine (#4304)

  • Correctly reset markers for all allocations when using PooledByteBufAllocator(#4278)

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