​Node.js 的 ORM 框架,Sequelize 2.0.0RC3 发布

jopen 9年前

Sequelize.js 提供对 MySQL,MariaDB,SQLite 和 PostgreSQL 数据库的简单访问,通过映射数据库条目到对象,或者对象到数据库条目。简而言之,就是 ORM(Object-Relational-Mapper)。Sequelize.js 完全是使用 JavaScript 编写,适用于 Node.js 的环境。

Sequelize 2.0.0RC3 发布,此版本现已提供下载(v2.0.0-rc3.zip),更新内容如下:

  • [FEATURE] Added the possibility of removing multiple associations in 1 call #2338

  • [FEATURE] Undestroy method for paranoid models #2540

  • [FEATURE] Support for UPSERT

  • [BUG] Add support for field named the same as the attribute in reload, bulkCreate and save #2348

  • [BUG] Copy the options object in association getters. #2311

  • [BUG] Model#destroy() now supports field, this also fixes an issue with N:M#removeAssociation and field

  • [BUG] Customized error message can now be set for unique constraint that was created manually (not with sync, but e.g. with migrations) or that has fields with underscore naming. This was problem at least with postgres before.

  • [BUG] Fixed a bug where plain objects like { in: [...] } were not properly converted to SQL when combined with a sequelize method (fn, where etc.). Closes #2077

  • [BUG] Made the default for array search in postgres exact comparison instead of overlap

  • [BUG] Allow logging from individual functions even though the global logging setting is false. Closes #2571

  • [BUG] Allow increment/decrement operations when using schemata

  • [BUG] Allow createTable with schema

  • [BUG] Fix some issues with findAndCount and include

  • [INTERNALS] Update inflection dependency to v1.5.2

  • [REMOVED] Remove query generation syntactic sugar provided by node-sql, as well as the dependency on that module
