Django 1.7 发布

jopen 10年前


Django的主要目标是使得开发复杂的、数据库驱动的网站变得简单。Django注重组件的重用性和“可插拔性”,敏捷开发和DRY法则(Don't Repeat Yourself)。在Django中Python被普遍使用,甚至包括配置文件和数据模型。

Django框架的核心包括:一个 面向对象 的映射器,用作数据模型(以Python类的形式定义)和关联性数据库间的媒介;一个基于正则表达式的URL分发器;一个视图系统,用于处理请求;以及一个模板系统。


  • 一个轻量级的、独立的Web服务器,用于开发和测试。
  • 一个表单序列化及验证系统,用于HTML表单和适于数据库存储的数据之间的转换。
  • 一个缓存框架,并有几种缓存方式可供选择。
  • 中间件支持,允许对请求处理的各个阶段进行干涉。
  • 内置的分发系统允许应用程序中的组件采用预定义的信号进行相互间的通信。
  • 一个序列化系统,能够生成或读取采用XML或JSON表示的Django模型实例。
  • 一个用于扩展模板引擎的能力的系统。

It's here!

After nearly a year of development, today we're proud to announce the release of Django 1.7.

As always, the release notes cover everything in-depth, but some of the major highlights of Django 1.7 are:

  • A new built-in database migration system. Notes on upgrading from South (a popular third-party application providing migration functionality) are also available.
  • A refactored concept of Django applications. Django applications are no longer tied to the existence of a models files, and can now specify both configuration data and code to be executed as Django starts up.
  • Improvements to the model Field API to support migrations and, in the future, to enable easy addition of composite-key support to Django's ORM.
  • Improvements for custom Manager and QuerySet classes, allowing reverse relationship traversal to specify the Manager to use, and creation of a Manager from a custom QuerySet class.
  • A extensible system check framework which can assist developers in detecting and diagnosing errors.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg; Django 1.7 is jam-packed with useful new features and functionality, and they're all covered in the 1.7 release notes.

You can get Django 1.7 right now from our downloads page (along with checksums), or from the Python Package Index.

Bugfix releases

Alongside Django 1.7, today we are issuing bugfix releases in the 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 series, which correct some bugs which existed after the most recent security releases.

Today's releases are:

Also, with the release of Django 1.7, Django 1.5 has reached end-of-life. As such, Django 1.5.10 is the final release of the 1.5 series. Django 1.6 will continue to receive support until the release of Django 1.8. Django 1.4 is a long-term support release, and will be supported until at least March of 2015.