YUI 3.14.1 发布,增加 IE11 和 Android 4.4 支持

jopen 10年前

YUI 3.14.1 发布,增加 IE11 和 Android 4.4 支持

YUI(Yahoo User Interface),是由雅虎开发的一个开源的JavaScript函数库,它利用DOM脚本、DHTML和AJAX来构造具有丰富交互功能的Web程序。YUI也包含几个核心的CSS文件。YUI中的所有组件已经以开源的形式发布,它们遵循BSD协议并且可以免费使用。

We are happy to announce the release of YUI 3.14.1! This release can be found on the Yahoo CDN, through npm, and via download. We also have updated the YUI Library website to reflect the changes in this release.

What’s New In This Release

The primary purpose of this “point” release is to add IE11 and Android 4.4 to our Target Environments. We’ve been testing this release both manually and through CI to ensure that any new issues were addressed.

Support Added for IE11 and Android 4.4

There were fixes to several tests this time around to resolve issues specific to IE11 and Android 4.4. This included an issue with ImageLoader fetching images that were out of date, an issue with skin loading, and issues with Editor.

Also, there were several code changes such as a fix by Ryan Grove to ScrollInfo and a refactor of the feature detection in XML-parse.

Charts Regression Fix

Also, there was an issue (introduced in YUI 3.14.0) in Charts that is fixed for this release. The issue was that the _maxSize property was not updated for a single series histogram and would cause the column/bar to disappear on mouseover.

Additional Information

There was a total of 28 commits by 5 contributors for this release. You can find the details of the changes by reading the Change History Rollup as well as looking at the differences between 3.14.0 and 3.14.1 in GitHub. Over 9,000 tests in CI are run across our target environments for every commit to our source. If you run across an issue, please feel free to file it in GitHub (after signing in) so we can continuously improve YUI!