LDAP 工具平台 - Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2

fmms 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328454084579128" target="_blank">Apache Directory Studio</a> 是一个 LDAP 的工具平台,用来连接到任何 LDAP 服务器并进行管理和开发工作。</p>    <p>主要功能:LDAP浏览器、LDIF编辑器、嵌入式 ApacheDS、ACI编辑器。</p>    <p><img alt="LDAP 工具平台 - Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/68d04d059bc0b9f3613bc9054d7248b6.jpg" width="377" height="287" /></p>    <p><strong>下载独立的 RCP 程序:</strong><br /> http://directory.apache.org/studio/2.0/download</p>    <p><strong>安装 Eclipse 插件:</strong><br /> http://directory.apache.org/studio/update/2.x/</p>    <p><strong>Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2    改进记录:</strong><br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-630] - Importing a Schema project twice shouldn't be possible<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-733] - Error while reading RootDSE on Sun One directory server<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-739] - Using 'Quick Search' in the DN editor while editing some object cancels editing and jumps to 'Quick Search' in the main window<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-759] - Exit confirmation dialog is showed twice when quitting the application by closing the window on Linux and Windows<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-760] - Unable to bind on an Active Directory server using 'domain\userid'<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-763] - Typo in some English error messages ('occured' instead of 'occurred')</p>