LDAP 的工具平台,Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3 发布

jopen 12年前
     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328454084579128" target="_blank">Apache Directory Studio </a>是一个 LDAP 的工具平台,用来连接到任何 LDAP 服务器并进行管理和开发工作。</p>     <p>主要功能:LDAP浏览器、LDIF编辑器、嵌入式 ApacheDS、ACI编辑器。</p>     <p><img alt="LDAP 的工具平台,Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/68d04d059bc0b9f3613bc9054d7248b6.jpg" width="377" height="287" /></p>     <p>Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3 发行说明:</p>     <p><strong>Bug</strong><br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-764] - Image Editor does not work correctly<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-765] - Can not export DSML<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-767] - All attribute names are lowercase when using Apache Directory LDAP Client API<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-768] - Error while searching using a filter on a binary attribute<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-769] - Alt-S shortkey does not work in Search Dialog<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-770] - Typos in french translation<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-771] - Searches are not saved when closing Studio 2.0 M1/M2<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-772] - Entry UUID Editor can't display eDirectory GUID<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-773] - IllegalArgumentException thrown when copying the RootDSE<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-776] - Misleading title for action "Open 'Search Result'/'Bookmark'/'Entry' in DIT" in LDAP Browser view context menu<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-777] - Renaming entry fails when using Apache Directory LDAP API<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-778] - NullPointerException when refreshing a TableEntryEditor<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-779] - Label for folded attributes in TableEntryEditor is not updated when quick filter is used<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-783] - The 'Rename Entry' dialog doesn't resize automatically when adding or removing RDN parts<br /> <br /> <strong>Improvement</strong><br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-713] - Improve the 'Show in' sub-menu of the TableEntryEditor<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-780] - Allow Apache Directory Studio to be pinned to Windows 7's taskbar<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-782] - Improve Windows installer with JRE detection and creation of 'Apache Directory Studio.ini' file<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-784] - Add the ability to sort searches in the LDAP Browser view<br /> * [DIRSTUDIO-785] - Add the ability to sort bookmarks in the LDAP Browser view</p>    </div>