Tiny Tiny RSS 1.9 发布

jopen 11年前

Tiny Tiny RSS是一个基于Web的RSS/Atom新闻聚合器,支持PostgreSQL和 MYSQL两种数据库,支持多用户,支持OPML导入导出,它的UI基于 Ajax技术开发所以看起非常像一个桌面应用程序。 在线演示地址: http://tt-rss.org/demo


发布说明:Support xml:base in atom feeds. Adds support for libxml with problematic handling of character encodings (affects several NAS devices). Minor performance improvements. Adds a Korean translation. Has an improved Russian translation. Other translations have been updated. Integrated Silk icons. Adds a plugin that adds a feed for all articles shared by URL. Allows unsharing and changing URLs for individual articles. Floating title is more consistent with the rest of the UI; enable floating title for expandable combined mode. Licensed under the GPLv3Tiny Tiny RSS 1.9 发布