SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20140216 发布,迷你Linux发行

jopen 10年前

SliTaz GNU/Linux是一份迷你发行,它是一张被设计为能在仅有256MB RAM的硬件上流畅运行的自启动运行光盘。SliTaz使用了BusyBox,一份新近的Linux内核,以及GNU软件。它以Syslinux引导,提供超过200个Linux命令、lighttpd网页服务器、SQLite数据库、灾难恢复工具、IRC客户端、基于Dropbear的SSH客户端和服务器、 X窗口系统、JWM(Joe's Window Manager)、gFTP、Geany IDE、Mozilla Firefox、AlsaPlayer、GParted,以及一份声音文件编辑器等。SliTaz的光盘镜像文件可载入到30MB大小的媒质中,它只需80MB的硬盘空间就能运行。
SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20140216 发布
Christophe Lincoln has released the first public development build (called "Cooking") of SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0, a fast and minimalist desktop Linux distribution in just 40 megabytes: " The Slitaz team is proud to announce the release of a new 'Cooking' version which paves the road to SliTaz 5.0. This new Cooking includes almost two years of work and has an incredible changelog. All our home made tools have been improved and it also includes some great new tools such as 'frugal' or 'decode'. We focused a lot of work on desktop integration to provide a fine user experience and have greatly improved the Linux kernel (3.2.53) configuration. On the package side we updated all existing packages and also added a bunch of new packages to reach more than 4,200 packages in the Cooking database. Lots of work has also been done on the SliTaz installer which provides a new ncurses/text front-end. The live CD will now ask for language settings before booting. Visit the project's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (40.0MB, MD5).
SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20140216 发布