10个最好的 Python IDE

jopen 10年前

1. Vim

Vim can be considered as the best IDE for python, Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor ‘Vi’, with a more complete feature set. Vim doesn’t take much time to learn and once you have become expert it gives a seamless programming experince that youc an directly integrate with your workflow.

2. Eclipse with PyDev

Eclipse is a very popular IDE that’s been around for a very long time. Eclipse with Pydev allow developers to create useful and interactive web applications, PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython andIronPython development.

3. Sublime Text

It is one of the most popular editor amongst developers, its is multipurpose, supports many languages and have become favorite for developer community. Sublime has got its own package manager that you can use to install addons, plugins, additional styles and more cool stuff, though everything is meant to enhance your coding experience!

4. Emacs

GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing. If You know Vim already, perhaps it’s time to try out Emacs? You can check out theEmacs Redux blog for learning more about this IDE.

5. Komodo Edit

Komodo IDE
Komodo Edit is clean, professional Python IDE. It doesn’t have fluff and instead focuses on putting the thing you need right in front of you. The latest 8.5 version was released a little over a year ago, and included updates for PHP5 and Python 3, we can surely expect another update in the near future, as the programming standards and markup is changing rapidly right now.

6. PyCharm

PyCharm is an IDE for Python developed by JetBrains. Pycharm keeps your code under control with PEP8 checks, testing assistance, smart refactorings, bunch of inspections helping you write neat and maintainable code. It was designed by programmers for programmers with the aim to provide you with all the tools that you need for productive and joyful Python and Web development.

7. Wing

wingware python ide
Wingware’s Python IDE works with Python 2.x and 3.x and can be used with Django, matplotlib, Zope, Plone, App Engine, PyQt, PySide, wxPython, PyGTK, Tkinter, mod_wsgi, pygame, Maya, MotionBuilder, NUKE, Blender, and many other Python frameworks. It supports test-driven development with integrated execution and debugging for the unittest, doctest, nose, and Django testing frameworks. Wing IDE starts quickly and runs fast on Windows, Linux, and OS X, and works with Python versi

8. PyScripter

PyScripter is a free and open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) created with the ambition to become competitive in functionality with commercial Windows-based IDEs available for other languages. Being built in a compiled language is rather snappier than some of the other Python IDEs and provides an extensive blend of features that make it a productive Python development environment.

9. The Eric Python IDE

The Eric Python IDE
Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays’ quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder. eric includes a plugin system, which allows easy extension of the IDE functionality with plugins downloadable from the net.

10. Interactive Editor for Python

Interactive Editor for Python
IEP is a cross-platform Python IDE aimed at interactivity and introspection. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. It consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways