Redis 客户端,Redisson 2.2.4 发布

jopen 8年前

Redisson 是基于Redis服务之上构建的分布式、可伸缩的Java数据结构,高级的Redis客户端。【redis官方推荐

Redisson 是使用熟悉的Java数据结构来发挥Redis的威力,基于lettuce Redis客户端和Netty 4 ,兼容 Redis 2.6+ and JDK 1.6+,使用Apache License 2.0授权协议,阅读 wiki 来获取更多使用信息

Redisson 2.2.4 发布,更新如下:

Feature - new object added RBlockingDeque
Feature - new object added RSemaphore
Feature - RMapCache.fastPut method with TTL support added
Feature - WeightedRoundRobinBalancer slaves balancer added
Improvement - Memory consumption optimization
Improvement - storing value with ttl = 0 in RSetCache or RMapCache saves it infinitely
Fixed - reconnection handling when Sentinel servers are restarted
Fixed - RedisConnectionException should be throw if Redisson can't connect to servers at startup
Fixed - Connection leak (regression bug since 2.1.4)
Fixed - ConnectionWatchdog throws exception when eventloop in shutdown state
Fixed - RReadWriteLock.forceUnlock works only for current thread
Fixed - MapKeyDecoder and MapValueDecoder are called in wrong order
Fixed - RReadWriteLock doesn't work in cluster mode  


