性能/压力测试工具 JMeter 2.5 发布

ajax 13年前
     <a href="http://www.open-open.com/open21026.htm" target="_blank">Apache JMeter </a>是100%的Java    <span class="innerlink">桌面</span>应用    <span class="innerlink">程序</span>。用于对    <span class="innerlink">软件</span>做压力    <span class="innerlink">测试</span>(例如Web应用)。JMeter可以用于测试静态或者动态资源的性能(文件、Servlets、Perl脚本、java对象、数据库和查询、ftp服务器或者其他的资源)。 JMeter用于模拟在服务器、网络或者其他对象上附加高负载以测试他们提供服务的受压能力,或者分析他们提供的服务在不同负载条件下的总性能情况。你可以用JMeter提供的图形化界面分析性能指标或者在高负载情况下测试服务器/脚本/对象的行为。    <br />    <br /> 另外,JMeter能够对应用程序做衰退测试,通过创建带有断言的脚本来验证你的程序返回了你期望的结果。为了最大限度的灵活性,JMeter允许使用正则表达式创建断言。    <br />    <br /> 项目地址:    <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958185195964114592" target="_blank">http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/</a>    <br /> 相关文档:    <a href="http://www.open-open.com/doc/search?q=jmeter&ft=all&od=0" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/doc/search?q=jmeter&ft=all&od=0</a>    <br />    <br />    <p>JMeter 2.5 发布了,该版本包含很多新特性和大量的bug修复,另外该版本要求 Java 1.5 或者更新版本。</p>    <p>主要改进内容:</p>    <ul>     <li>The HTTP implementation can now be selected at run-time, and JMeter now also supports Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 4.x. Note that Commons HttpClient 3.1 is no longer actively developed, and support may be removed from JMeter in a future release. </li>     <li>The HTTP sampler now allows concurrent downloads of embedded resources in an HTML page </li>     <li>The HTTP Sampler can now report the size of a request before decompression. </li>     <li>The JMS and Mail samplers have been improved. </li>     <li>The new Test Fragment Test Element makes using Include Controllers easier </li>     <li>There are various improvements to the View Results Tree Listener </li>     <li>Bug 30563 - Thread Group should have a start next loop option on Sample Error </li>     <li>There are two new Thread Group types - setUp and tearDown - which are run before and after the main Thread groups. </li>     <li>Client-Server mode now supports external stop/shutdown via UDP multiple JMeter server instances can be started on the same host without needing to change the port property. </li>     <li>Bug 50516 - "Host" header in HTTP Header Manager is not included in generated HTTP request </li>    </ul>    <br />    <img title="01171026_rwee.png" border="0" alt="01171026_rwee.png" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/c08e09854acd4aedd70756ed49ddb7a6.jpg" />    <br />