Kwort Linux 3.5 RC1 发布

jopen 11年前

这是 Kwort Linux 3.5第一个候选版发布,一个基于CRUX的轻量级Linux发行版,它使用GTK+工具包和Openbox的窗口管理器。详细内容如下:

今天,我推出了我们系统</span></span>一个新版本。我们这次</span>释放一直测试这一个多星期,它看起来很稳定。 Our system got a complete update, from the toolchain to the latest X11 applications. We are rolling this release with Linux kernel 3.5.4, the latest Chromium (Firefox is available in the ISO image in more/xapps). The latest LibreOffice is also available in the ISO image (more/xapps) for you to install with kpkg. Most noticeable changes are in the installer and kpkg as both got a speed-up and I also gave kpkg the ability to upgrade a single package or the whole system. Ext4 has become the default file system。

</span>访问其主页了解更详细的发布内容: home page
下载kwort-3.5rc1.iso (337MB, MD5)。

Kwort Linux 3.5 RC1 发布