
jopen 9年前

1. Intense Images 

intense-image-e1417412959574Intense Images is the innovative and only JavaScript library that allows you to view full-screen images with ease. Users can make use of mouse/touch position for panning and the styling of image elements completely depends upon the users.

2. Hammer.js 

hammerjs-e1417408125971Hammer.js is compatible for multiple instances at a time and can help you to develop multi-user touch interfaces with ease.

3. Lazy.js 

This is a utility library for JavaScript which is similar to Lo-Dash and Underscore, but there is a major difference between them which is lazy evaluation also referred as deferred execution.

4. Sweet Alert


5. WOW.js

wowjs-e1417409917254Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page.

6. Blast.js

blastjs-e1417410963811Blast.js separates text in order to facilitate typographic manipulation.

7. Mathjs

mathjs-e1417411743100Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.

8. Draggabilly


10. Fn.js

fn.js-e1417411986207fn.js is an opinionated JavaScript library that pushes you to to adopt strategies that encourage a functional programming style.

11. Shine.js

shine.js-e1417412097876With the help of this library, users can make awesome shadow.

12. Path.js


13. Dropzonejs

dropzonejs-e1417412332367DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.

14. Stickerjs

stickers.js-e1417412441480A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect.

15. Select.js
