Mozilla Firefox 51 Beta 11发布

jopen 7年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958189873782215416" title="Firefox"><img alt="Mozilla Firefox 51 Beta 11发布" src="" /></a></p>    <p>Mozilla 今日将 Mozilla Firefox 51 Beta 11 送上官方 FTP 服务器,新的 Beta 版减少了 CPU 占用和 GPU 的渲染表现,增加了对 WebGL 的支持,在地址栏添加了缩放比例指示,同时对 FLAC 无损音乐格式回放提供了支持。对于 Windows 10 触控设备而言,51 版的 E10S 多进程特性已经开始运作。</p>    <p>Firefox Beta 51.0</p>    <p>November 16, 2016</p>    <p>Version 51.0 beta, first offered to Beta channel users on November 16, 2016</p>    <p>For more information about Developer Edition please see this <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997639328989217">MDN article</a>.</p>    <p>New</p>    <ul>     <li> <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997639418564517">Added support for FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) playback</a></p> </li>     <li> <p>View passwords from the prompt before saving them</p> </li>     <li> <p>Zoom indicator is shown in the URL bar if the zoom level is not at default level</p> </li>     <li> <p>Improved video performance for users without GPU acceleration:</p> </li>     <li> <p>Less CPU Usage</p> </li>     <li> <p>Better full screen experience</p> </li>     <li> <p>Support saving passwords for forms without 'submit' events</p> </li>     <li> <p>Remove Belarusian (be) locale</p> </li>     <li> <p>Added support for WebGL 2</p> </li>    </ul>    <p>Changed</p>    <ul>     <li> <p>Use Skia for content rendering (Linux)</p> </li>    </ul>    <p>下载地址:</p>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997639510311116"></a></p>    <p>来自: <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997639612853524" id="link_source2">cnBeta</a></p>