基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的Linux发行,Slackel 2.0 "Openbox"

jopen 11年前

Slackel是基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的自启动运行光盘Linux发行,并与两种基础发行完全兼容。它采用Slackware的当前版本和KDE桌面的最新版本。Slackel光盘镜像以两种形式提供:安装型和自启动运行型。
基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的Linux发行,Slackel 2.0
Dimitris Tzemos has announced the release of Slackel 2.0 "Openbox" edition, a lightweight desktop Linux distribution based on Slackware's "Current" branch: " Slackel Openbox 2.0 has been released. Slackel is based on Slackware and Salix. It uses the excellent Salix tools and Salix packages. A collection of two Openbox ISO images are immediately available, including 32-bit and 64-bit installation images that can be burned to a CD. Slackel Openbox 2.0 includes the current tree of Slackware and Openbox 3.5.0 accompanied by a very rich collection of software. Linux kernel is 3.7.10. The Midori 0.4.8 web browser, Claws-Mail 3.8.1 and Transmission are the main networking applications included in this release. SpaceFM is the file manager. It comes also with OpenJRE 7u9, Rhino, Icedtea-web, Pidgin and gFTP." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download ( MD5): slackel64-openbox-current-2.0.iso (617MB) slackel-openbox-current-2.0.iso (677MB). <IMG title=Slackel border=1 hspace=6 alt="基于Slackware Linux和Salix OS的Linux发行,Slackel 2.0 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/70e02889f5741599f0b990fb5171b5cf.png" width=480 height=384 openbox??="">