前端界面开发框架,Semantic UI 2.1.7 发布

jopen 9年前

Semantic UI—完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟 Bootstrap 和 Foundation 比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、布局设计上、用户体验上均存在很多差异。

Semantic UI 特点:

  • 文档和演示非常完善

  • 易于学习和使用

  • 配备网格布局

  • 支持 Sass 和 LESS 动态样式语言

  • 有一些非常实用的附加配置,例如inverted类。

  • 对于社区贡献来说是比较开放的。

  • 有一个非常好的按钮实现,情态动词,和进度条。

  • 在许多功能上使用图标字体。

Semantic UI 对浏览器的支持:

  • Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, IE (aka 10+)

  • Safari 6

  • IE 9+ (Browser prefix only)

  • Android 4

  • Blackberry 10

Semantic UI 2.1.7 发布,此版本更新内容:


  • API - All responses fulfilled with settings (like mockResponse) will now receive a settings object with all values resolved. For example url will be /user/2/ and not user/{id} in the callback. - #3466

  • API - API now allows the use of settings response and responseAsync to replace mockResponse and mockResponseAsync. The use of "mock" may not represent the most common use case which is providing a response from a third party source. (These changes are purely cosmetic and no underlying behavior has changed) - #3491

  • Popup - Adds onUnplaceable callback when element cannot be placee inside visible viewport #3388

Bug 修复

  • Build Tools - CSS build will now correctly call callback after both packaged files are created (compressed and uncompressed) Thanks @youngjay #3405

  • Flag - A flag with no country set will no longer display an incorrect country flag. Thanks @space-alien #3333

  • Form - Fixed issue where text would turn transparent inside a loading form #3122

  • Menu - Fixed 1px offset when attached segment follows tabular menu (max of 2 consecutive segments) #3479

  • Header - sub header used inside a header now correctly forces block styling #3020

  • Popup - Fixed is visible, is animating, and is fluid to always return true/false and not the DOM element. #2781

  • Popup - Fixed issue with onEnable callback being defined with name onEnabled and onDisable with onDisabled in default settings, causing an error. To preserve backwards compatibility, the mispelled callback name has been left, but the bug has been fixed. #3148

  • Search - Search now correctly hides menu when an error message inside results is clicked. #3039

  • Sidebar - Fixed css rule issue causing very thin sidebar to not work #3300

  • Sidebar - Sidebar no longer includes transform rules on child elements, this was causing layout issues in some cases (for example dropdowns in sidebars) #3306

  • Sticky - Renames variables used to account for scroll offset internally for greater code clarity

  • Transition - Fixes noAnimation error to more reasonably announce that the element is "not in the DOM" #3040

