网格计算框架,GridGain 3.6 发布

jopen 12年前
     <p>GridGain 3.6 发布,<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198809839136672" target="_blank"><span class="hilite1">GridGain</span></a>是一个开源的网格计算框架,专著于提供平行计算能力,能够与JBoss和Spring相集成。</p>    <p>新版本主要新特性和改进如下:</p>    <ul>     <li>“Write From Behind Caching” was finally added to IMDGs </li>     <li>REST batch operation support introduced (putAll, removeAll) </li>     <li>Eviction filters added </li>     <li>Segmentation handling for half-connected network sockets </li>     <li>Improvements in GridGain Visor </li>     <li>New eviction performance optimizations </li>     <li>Significant IMDG preloading performance enhancements </li>     <li>New optimization for lock-free reads and low contention writes </li>     <li>Cumulative bug fixes and multitude of performance </li>    </ul>    <p>下载地址 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198809104124019">get one!</a></p>