Java实现的网格计算框架 GridGain 3.5 发布

fmms 12年前
     GridGain 3.5 版本主要亮点:    <ul>     <li>显著提升了整个产品的性能 </li>     <li>移除之前声明为废弃的 APIs </li>     <li>GridGain Visor 的改进和 bug 修复 </li>     <li>增强了 GridProjection 接口 </li>     <li>允许通过编程批量启动远程节点 </li>     <li>Customizable closure-based MapReduce </li>     <li>Enhancements in affinity and co-location </li>     <li>Data Grid 的清除策略的 bug 修复 </li>     <li>Swap API 的显著改进和性能的提升 </li>    </ul>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198809104124019">下载</a> <strong>GridGain 3.5</strong></p>    <p><span class="hilite1"><br /> GridGain</span>是一个开源的网格计算框架,专著于提供平行计算能力,能够与JBoss和Spring相集成。</p>    <p>GridGain 是基于Java 5并行计算模型,使用起来很方便:</p>    <pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">Grid grid = GridFactory.getGrid();    // Get cloud-wide thread pool instance.  ExecutorService pool = grid.newGridServiceExecutor();    // Run callable or runnables on the cloud...  pool.submit(new Callable() {  // Task that will be executed on some thread  // somewhere on the cloud (and you can control  // precisely where and how...)  public void call() {  ...  }  });</pre>项目地址:    <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198809839136672" target="_blank"></a>    <p></p>