Java 持久层框架 DataNucleus Access Platform

fmms 12年前
     <p><img border="0" alt="Java 持久层框架 DataNucleus Access Platform" src="" width="300" height="80" /></p>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187675208992889" target="_blank">DataNucleus Access Platform</a> 是一个兼容各种标准的 Java 数据持久化框架,完全兼容 JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO2.3, 和 JPA1 等 Java 标准。提供一个基于 REST 的API。通过它可以访问所有常见的数据库服务器,还包括 LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, 和 HADOOP 数据库等.</p>    <p>DataNucleus Access Platform 3.0.6 ("Newton") 发布了,这是一个 Java 的持久层框架,支持各种关系数据库、db4o、LDAP、XML 和 Excel。</p>    <p>3.0.6 版本主要改进如下:</p>    <ul>     <li>Fix to clear/removeAll methods of backed SCOs for non-RDBMS datastores (e.g GAE) </li>     <li>Fix to embedded inheritance mapping treatment of members </li>     <li>Add code for generic type converter, compatible with JPA2.1 converters </li>     <li>Fix to JPA @EmbeddedId when used in a relation </li>     <li>Add validation of "jdbc-type" to only accept valid values </li>     <li>Allow for custom scanning for annotated classes (Ales Justin) </li>     <li>JDO3.1 : add check for invalid javax.jdo persistence properties </li>     <li>JDO3.1 : add security check on PMF.getManagedClasses calls </li>     <li>JPA extension : add annotation to support specification of column "position" </li>     <li>JPA2.1 : support stored procedure API </li>     <li>RDBMS : add support for serialisation of query results </li>     <li>RDBMS : fix use of JDOQL cast/instanceof for embedded inherited fields </li>     <li>MongoDB : support nondurable identity </li>     <li>Excel : support nondurable identity </li>     <li>Excel : support embedded PK fields </li>     <li>Excel : drop support for extension "sheet" and use standard only now </li>     <li>ODF : support embedded PK fields </li>     <li>ODF : drop support for extension "sheet" and use standard only now </li>     <li>HBase : fix reuse of HTable so we can use HBase 0.90.1+ </li>     <li>HBase : dont allow table creation/validation if persistence properties not set </li>    </ul>    <p></p>