Java 持久化框架 DataNucleus Access Platform 3.0.5 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p><img alt="Java 持久化框架 DataNucleus Access Platform 3.0.5 发布" src="" width="370" height="85" /></p>    <p>DataNucleus Access Platform 是一个兼容各种标准的 Java 数据持久化框架,完全兼容 JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO2.3, 和 JPA1 等 Java 标准。提供一个基于 REST 的API。通过它可以访问所有常见的数据库服务器,还包括 LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, 和 <a href="">HADOOP</a> 数据库等.</p>    <p>3.0.5 版本改进记录:</p>    <ul>     <li>Make use of bulk load from L2 cache on use of PM.getObjectsById </li>     <li>Support for override of metadata for inherited fields/properties in embedded objects </li>     <li>Fix to in-memory query evaluation when an order clause is null </li>     <li>Some clean ups for logging </li>     <li>Fix to default value of "" which was incorrect in 3.0.4 </li>     <li>RDBMS : dont load all query results when running non-tx when we retain the connection </li>     <li>RDBMS : Support for use of sql-type when there are multiple possible for a jdbc-type </li>     <li>RDBMS : Support various MySQL sql types such as LONGTEXT, MEDIUMBLOB etc </li>     <li>RDBMS : Some improved error messages </li>     <li>JSON : Support for enum fields </li>     <li>JSON : Support datastore identity </li>     <li>JSON : Support 1-1/1-N/M-N relations </li>     <li>JSON : Support field types that have long/String converters </li>     <li>JSON : Support versioning of objects </li>     <li>DB4O : Remove invalid import from OSGi info</li>    </ul>    <p></p>