Robolinux 7.6.1 "Xfce" 发布

jopen 10年前

Robolinux是基于Debian GNU/Linux最新稳定发行的用户友好的、直观的操作系统。该项目非常有趣的特性之一是预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机支持套件,可运行 Windows XP或Windows 7,从而允许用户在Robolinux中无缝安装和运行Windows操作系统。
Robolinux is pleased to announce a brand new Xfce edition based on Debian stable. A much more advanced operating system with far greater productvity, but incredibly easy to use for Linux beginners. Plus expert tech support is free. Robolinux Xfce 7.6.1 is extremely optimized, using only 140 MB of RAM in full composite video. It is very stable and has been fully tested for months. It doesn't require a video driver to be installed when running in full composite graphics mode (which is the default). If you are a Windows user this new streamlined Linux OS will blow your mind because it's so fast, super easy to use and highly reliable. Best of all it runs your favorite Windows apps natively with its built in Stealth VM software.

Download (MD5): robolinux64_xfce-v7.6.1.iso (1,797MB).