LibreOffice 3.6 正式版发布

openkk 12年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958344185536248986" target="_blank">LibreOffice </a>是一套自由的办公软件,它可以在Windows、Linux、Macintosh平台上运行,本套软件共有六个应用程序供您使用,包括:Writer、Calc、Impress、Draw、Math、Base。<br /> <a title="Check out the features" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958521941117954600"><img alt="LibreOffice 3.6 正式版发布" src="" width="440" height="64" /></a><br /> LibreOffice 3.6 正式版今天发布了,包含众多新特性和改进,例如 CorelDRAW 导入、文本文档中改进改进表格的自动格式化,SmartArt 导入支持,改进 CVS 导入和 PDF 输出等。</p>    <p>改进内容:<strong> </strong></p>    <ul>     <li>Support for importing Office SmartArt </li>     <li>PDF Export with Watermark option </li>     <li>Added Word Count to status bar</li>     <li>10 new Impress master pages </li>     <li>Support for color scales and data bars. Import from .xlsx and import/export from/to .ods in ODF 1.2 (extended)</li>     <li>Import Filter for Corel Draw documents </li>     <li>Writer: Support for contextual spacing</li>     <li>Writer: Format paintbrush can now differentiate character automatic formating applied to paragraphs from those applied to text portion inside the paragraph</li>     <li>Writer: VML import now handles lines, rotations and flips</li>     <li>Writer: RTF/DOCX import/export handles document zoom settings</li>     <li>Calc: New option to specify a custom sheet name prefix in new documents</li>     <li>Calc: Merge cells option added to right-click menu. </li>     <li>Calc: "Ctrl+D" fills down in more familiar ways, filling with contents of the cell above if no cell is selected, and, filling down multiple cells with larger selections</li>     <li>Calc: Export conditional formatting to .xlsx</li>     <li>Calc: Improved CVS file import</li>     <li>Calc: Added support for field items in cells</li>     <li>Calc: Sorting of data from the autofilter menu</li>     <li>Calc: Support for pasting only text, value, or formula from the context menu</li>     <li>Impress: Added widescreen format for Impress slideshows</li>     <li>Impress: Impress now correctly detects the external display and puts the presenter console on the local display</li>     <li>GUI: New Splash Screen and About dialog</li>     <li>GUI: Rulers are now much cleaner and more light-weight</li>     <li>GUI: New artwork for the Start Office</li>     <li>GUI: GTK themes are now able to render background gradient and have a way for tab prelight rendering. </li>     <li>Performance improvements and many bug fixes</li>     <li><a class="external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958521941218303866">More</a></li>    </ul>    <p>在 Ubuntu 下安装 LibreOffice 3.6:</p>    <p><img alt="LibreOffice 3.6 正式版发布" src="" width="320" height="212" /></p>    <p>LibreOffice 3.6 展示还无法通过 PPA 方式安装,如果你等不及了,可使用预发布的 PPA(目前版本是 RC1),方法如下:</p>    <pre class="linux-code"><code>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade</code></pre>    <p>如果要体验 GTK3 支持情况,需要安装下面包:</p>    <pre class="linux-code"><code>sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gtk3</code></pre>    <p> </p>    <p><strong>Ubuntu 用户还可直接下载 deb 包来安装 <a class="external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958188505211160165">LibreOffice download page</a>. </strong></p>    <p> </p>    <p>如果你是老版本升级,需要:</p>    <pre class="linux-code"><code>rm -r ~/.config/libreoffice/3/user/extensions</code></pre>    <p><a class="external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187570352787406">下载 LibreOffice 3.6 for Linux, Windows or Mac OS X</a></p>