10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块

jopen 8年前

AngularJS 是一个用于前端UI的最流行JavaScript框架。已经有许多指令,服务和模块可用来解决你的开发问题。在这些篇文章中将介绍哪些是最流行的angularjs modules,directive 和 services,可以将这些用在你的angular应用中。你只需要引入js/css 文件至你的应用中,就可以使用。

Angular UI Bootstrap – Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS

Angular UI Bootstrap plugin provide per-defined directive for bootstrap components and use it pure angular tag, its very handy for angular developer.There is no dependency on jQuery or Bootstrap’s JavaScript.You can Simple Example and Use of AngularJS UI Bootstrap.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


You can also check other tutorial of angular,

ui-router – Angular Module for Routing State

Angular Team has been created wonderful ui-router module to solve routing functionality in angular application.ui-router help to implement nested routing in your applications.This angular modular very handy when you are creating application based on parent and child view, so there are multiple view in your application, to navigate between views you can use ng-switch or other alternative method but using ui-router you can navigate between views very easily.You can also share application url.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


RESTAngular – AngularJS service to handle Rest API

Restangular is an AngularJS service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code. It’s a perfect fit for any WebApp that consumes data from a RESTful API.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


ng-flow – Angular HTML5 file upload

ng-flow module use to add or upload file/image in your application.There is no any third party dependency required.ng-flow angular module supports single image upload, multiple file upload, gallery upload, drag and drop file/image, pause and resume and more.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


angular-growl – Growl notifications for angularJS projects

angular-growl is another most popular angular module to show message in angular application.This module use to show growl like notifications for angularJS projects, using bootstrap alert classes.You can Growl Notification – Step By Step Angular Growl Example.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


angular-datatables – Angular Directive for jQuery datatable

Datatable is most popular and highly flexible table plug-in for html table.angular-datatables is angular version of jquery datatble.You can use full featured angular datatable in your application with help of angular-datatables directive.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


ng-slim-scroll – Angular Directive for Slim Scroll

ng-slim-scroll is most popular and highly customizable directive for slim scroll.You can create awesome scroll bar using ng-slim-scroll directive in your angular application.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


angular-loading-bar – Angular Module to display loading / progress bar

angular-loading-bar module use to show loading / progress bar in your angular application when XHR request goes out.It supports Multiple requests within the same time period get bundled together such that each response increments the progress bar by the appropriate amount.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


ngStorage – Angular Module to Session and Local storage

ngStorage AngularJS module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular Way.ngStorage has two services $localStorage and $sessionStorage.Its very handy to store information on client side.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块


angular-filter – Useful predefined filters for AngularJS

filter is very important functionality any application, angular providing inbuilt filter to sort out result but based on requirement you can create custom filter for your angular application.angular-filter has some useful custom angular filter.

10+ 最流行的 AngularJS 指令、服务和模块
