Web 快速开发套件,OpenXava 4.4 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958334696999037109" target="_blank">OpenXava</a>是一个让使用XML与Java来开发J2EE商业应用程序变得简单的框架.OpenXava不使用常见的MVC架构,它是一个JPA应用程序引擎,你能够通过JDK5.0注解或XML描述对象-关系表的映射关系,并将运行期实体对象持久化到数据库中去。</p>    <p>使用OpenXava你只需要写model,POJOs,和Java 5 annotations,你不用写view,也不用写controller。</p>    <p><img style="width:540px;height:422px;" alt="Web 快速开发套件,OpenXava 4.4 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/8728ca792844499f16745cebb8b4a4ca.jpg" /></p>    <p>OpenXava 4.4 发布,改进内容包括:</p>    <p>1. Totals and row count are shown in collection frames when they are folded. <br /> 2. The comparator 'range' has been added to the list and collections filter. <br /> 3. Java 7 support. <br /> 4. A slide<span class="truncate_more"> effect for hiding and showing frames. Frames fill all the width of the view. <br /> 5. HtmlUnit has been upgraded to 2.9. <br /> 6. jQuery UI has been upgraded to 1.8.12. <br /> 7. jQuery has been upgraded to 1.5.2. <br /> 8. Liferay 4.1 is no longer supported. <br /> 9. A new method setConditionValuesTo() in ModuleTestBase. <br /> 10. Some bugfixes</span></p>