Review Board 2.5 发布,在线代码评审工具

jopen 8年前

Review Board起源于VMware的一些开发者。它基于Django,你可以把它安装在自己的服务器上,工作流和Rietveld极为类似。令人高兴的是它提 供了在diffs里进行语法彩色编码,使得代码阅读变得简便。此外,它还实现了基于Lucene的搜索来帮助管理较大的diffs组。

Review Board在审查补丁(Patch)方面表现完美。一个叫做“提交审查”的工具被用来和SCM系统进行连接(当前支持SVN、CVS、Perforce、Git和Mercurial等),可以允许你请求一个将被提交的修改的审查。用户基础页面将这个过程描述如下:

  1. 你在本地检出的代码上做了些可怕的修改。
  2. 你通过公布diff、编写描述和选择一些审查者来创建一个审查请求。
  3. 你在审查请求中点击“发布”并等待你的审查者看到它。
  4. 其他人看了你的审查请求,说道“这太可怕了,除非什么东西坏掉了。”
  5. 你根据他们的评论更新了你的代码。
  6. 你公布了更新后的diff,以及对他们评论的解答以指明你修改了什么(或者你要说明为什么你不打算按照他们的建议修改代码)。
  7. 大家看了你更新后的代码,并请你继续。
  8. 你将修改提交到仓库中。
  9. 你在审查请求中点击“设置为已提交”来从其他人的面板中移除你的审查请求。

Review Board 2.5 发布,在线代码评审工具



Productivity Boosters

  • A cleaner, more polished look and feel

    A cleaner Review Board is a friendlier Review Board. We've removed a lot of the noise and cruft, and helped bring your attention to what matters most.

  • Work on the go with new mobile support

    On a train? Out to lunch? No problem! Review Board 2.5 is mobile-friendly, so developers can contribute to reviews while away from their desk.

  • Review faster with Expandable Diff Fragments

    Instantly see more context for a comment. One click expands the diff right in the review.

  • Stay focused by muting and archiving review requests

    For all the Inbox Zero types, you can now archive old review requests and mute any that don’t require your attention.

  • Auto-version and diff your file attachments

    Just upload a new version of an attachment and Review Board will track its version, letting everyone see all the changes made. Images and text-based attachments can even be diffed!

  • See more at a glance with Live HD Thumbnails

    Hover over file attachment thumbnails and watch as more of it scrolls into view, giving you a better picture of what's in the file.

Integrations to Power Your Workflow

  • Share your credentials securely with API Tokens

    Third-party tools/services and custom scripts can now securely log in as a Review Board user. No need to give out passwords, and the access can be tightly restricted. This paves the way for future integrations with things like third-party automated code review services.

  • Hook into other services with Webhooks

    Review Board 2.5 can notify other services, such as collaboration and CI tools, in a format they understand when posting or updating review requests and reviews.

  • Deeper integration with bug trackers

    Connecting your JIRA, Bugzilla, or GitHub bug trackers to Review Board lets you see more detail about the bugs on your review requests
