基于ZK开发的内容管理系统 Jease 2.5 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p>Jease是一个开源的框架,用来简化用Java开发基于内容和数据库驱动的Web应用。</p>    <p>另外 Jease 提供了一个完全 Ajax 驱动的内容管理系统作为一个最佳实践来带你快速学习 Jease。</p>    <span style="font-weight:bold;">项目地址:</span>    <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195639084272102" target="_blank"><span style="font-weight:bold;">http://www.jease.org/</span><br /> </a>    <br />    <p>Jease 2.5 发布了,该版本主要改进包括基于时间的访问控制、新的简单设计、相片设计以及修复了重要的bug,详情:</p>    <h1 class="Title">Jease 2.5 released</h1>    <p class="Teaser">Time based Access Control, New "Simple" design, Responsive "photo" design, Important bug fixes</p>    <div class="Story">     <h2>New features</h2>     <ul>      <li>Implemented time based Access object. This allows to specify a time range where an Access object is guarding the content.</li>      <li>Added "simple" design as documented "kickstarter" for creating custom designs.</li>      <li>Improved user experience by directly displaying the editor if the user has only rights to edit himself, so that non administrators don't see the nearly empty user-table anymore. Instead they can directly edit their user account details.</li>     </ul>     <h2>Other Improvements</h2>     <ul>      <li>Made photo design responsive to screen size. Thanks to Patrick for his contribution!</li>      <li>Optimized footer in photo-template so that no big black border is shown on small screens. Thanks to Falk for contribution!</li>      <li>Added Navigations.getLatestContribution() which returns the last modified child for a content object. Applied it to all templates so that the editoral is displayed correctly (e.g. in case of Composites).</li>      <li>Dispatcher: changed pageContext.include() to pageContext.forward(), so Page.jsp is able to add headers/cookies as long as response is not committed.</li>      <li>Added Content#getProperty(key, default) which returns a property as string or the default string value. This makes using properties in templates less verbose.</li>      <li>Datefield/Timefield: used abstract name "short" for format-definition, so I18N should work better for more people.</li>      <li>Updated Japanse translation. Thanks to Jun!</li>     </ul>     <h2>Other changes</h2>     <ul>      <li>Node: changed visibility for validateParent from public to protected.</li>      <li>Authorizations: small performance improvement by avoiding to fetch the guard a second time.</li>     </ul>     <h2>Bug fixes</h2>     <ul>      <li>Fixed concurrency bug in garbage collector for persistent values. The bug could lead to null-properties or other concurrent modification bugs as the GC is triggered every hour via the maintenance job.</li>      <li>Fixed possible NPE with null-properties.</li>      <li>MailService didn't work with multiple TO-adresses.</li>     </ul>     <h2>Library updates</h2>     <ul>      <li>ZK 5.0.9</li>      <li>Tika 0.10</li>      <li>Lucene 3.4.0</li>      <li>Tomcat 7.0.22</li>     </ul>    </div>    <p></p>    <br />    <p><img style="width:476px;height:225px;" title="29204512_fens.gif" border="0" alt="29204512_fens.gif" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/43162af8b20b387b2239634df7bdf60d.gif" /></p>