内容管理系统 Podius

fmms 13年前
     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p>Podius 是一个灵活的内容管理系统,简化了动态网站的构建。提供基于命令行和Web的界面。可以是基于文件存储和数据库存储两种方式。</p>     <div id="body">      <p><strong>Podius</strong> is a <em>free software</em> content management and web publishing system, that features:</p>      <ul>       <li>no dependencies (download and run anywhere with perl installed)</li>       <li>intuitive component model with rich configurable properties</li>       <li>file-based or rdbms-based persistence and high level transactions</li>       <li>support for concurrency and auto-merged changes (optimistic locking)</li>       <li>nice and powerful template syntax, easily extensible</li>       <li>support for multilingual content, synchronized between languages</li>       <li>support for inheritable and reusable projects</li>       <li>clean storage-data division (no sql in perl code is needed)</li>       <li>clean data-presentation division (no perl code in html is needed)</li>       <li>management scripts, allowing full control from command line</li>       <li>web-based interface for non-technical editors</li>      </ul>      <a name="Download"></a>      <h3>下载</h3>      <p>The latest release<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958189881110279280">podius-5.4.0.tar.gz</a> is available for download.<br /> </p>     </div>     <p><span style="font-weight:bold;">项目地址:</span><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958189881880345698" target="_blank">http://podius.wox.org/</a><br /> </p>     <p><img title="内容管理系统 Podius" border="0" alt="内容管理系统 Podius" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/6d20fff826e784b711197681a27186c6.jpg" width="457" height="480" /></p>    </div>