
jopen 12年前
     <p> 导读:下面代码来自 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332531784878624" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">fmeyer</a> ,列举了各种<a title="程序员的本质" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958202204547787659">程序员</a>所写的阶乘算法代码,甚至包括网页设计师的。 </p>    <br />    <pre class="brush:python; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">  #新手程序员      def factorial (x):          if x == 0:              return 1          else:              return x * factorial (x - 1)      print factorial (6)      #有一年 Pascal 经验的程序员      def factorial (x):          result = 1          i = 2          while i <= x:              result = result * i              i = i + 1          return result      print factorial (6)      #有一年 C 经验的程序员      def fact (x): #{          result = i = 1;          while (i <= x): #{              result *= i;              i += 1;          #}          return result;      #}      print(fact (6))      #有一年 SICP 经验的程序员      @tailcall      def fact (x, acc=1):          if (x > 1): return (fact ((x - 1), (acc * x)))          else: return acc      print(fact (6))      #有一年 Python 经验的程序员      def Factorial (x):          res = 1          for i in xrange (2, x + 1):              res *= i          return res      print Factorial (6)      #懒惰的 Python 程序员      def fact (x):          return x > 1 and x * fact (x - 1) or 1      print fact (6)      #更懒惰的 Python 程序员      f = lambda x: x and x * f (x - 1) or 1      print f (6)      #专家级 Python 程序员      import operator as op      import functional as f      fact = lambda x: f.foldl (op.mul, 1, xrange (2, x + 1))      print fact (6)      #Python 黑客      import sys      @tailcall      def fact (x, acc=1):          if x: return fact (x.__sub__(1), acc.__mul__(x))          return acc      sys.stdout.write (str (fact (6)) + '\n')      #专家级程序员      import c_math      fact = c_math.fact      print fact (6)      #英国专家级程序员 (译注:在英式英语中,“数学”的简写,多用“maths”,不是“math"。)      import c_maths      fact = c_maths.fact      print fact (6)      #网页设计师      def factorial (x):          #-------------------------------------------------          #--- 这段代码是从 Math Vault 那弄过来滴---          #--- 计算阶乘 (C)亚瑟·史密斯 1999 年---          #-------------------------------------------------          result = str (1)          i = 1 #谢谢亚当          while i <= x:              #result = result * i #It's faster to use *=              #result = str (result * result + i)                 #result = int (result *= i) #??????              result str (int (result) * i)              #result = int (str (result) * i)              i = i + 1          return result      print factorial (6)      #Unix 程序员      import os      def fact (x):          os.system ('factorial ' + str (x))      fact (6)      #Windows 程序员      NULL = None      def CalculateAndPrintFactorialEx (dwNumber,                                       hOutputDevice,                                       lpLparam,                                       lpWparam,                                       lpsscSecurity,                                       *dwReserved):          if lpsscSecurity != NULL:              return NULL #Not implemented          dwResult = dwCounter = 1          while dwCounter <= dwNumber:              dwResult *= dwCounter              dwCounter += 1          hOutputDevice.write (str (dwResult))          hOutputDevice.write ('\n')          return 1      import sys      CalculateAndPrintFactorialEx (6, sys.stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)      #企业程序员      def new (cls, *args, **kwargs):          return cls (*args, **kwargs)      class Number (object):          pass      class IntegralNumber (int, Number):          def toInt (self):              return new (int, self)      class InternalBase (object):          def __init__(self, base):              self.base = base.toInt ()          def getBase (self):              return new (IntegralNumber, self.base)      class MathematicsSystem (object):          def __init__(self, ibase):              Abstract          @classmethod          def getInstance (cls, ibase):              try:                  cls.__instance              except AttributeError:                  cls.__instance = new (cls, ibase)              return cls.__instance      class StandardMathematicsSystem (MathematicsSystem):          def __init__(self, ibase):              if ibase.getBase () != new (IntegralNumber, 2):                  raise NotImplementedError              self.base = ibase.getBase ()          def calculateFactorial (self, target):              result = new (IntegralNumber, 1)              i = new (IntegralNumber, 2)              while i <= target:                  result = result * i                  i = i + new (IntegralNumber, 1)              return result      print StandardMathematicsSystem.getInstance (new (InternalBase,   new (IntegralNumber, 2))) .calculateFactorial (new (IntegralNumber, 6))</pre>    <p> 下面代码是 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332533317614629" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">kohashi</a> 给出的,他说是在邮局看到的。</p>    <pre class="brush:python; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">#VBA 程序员      def factorial (x):          if x == 0:              return 1          if x == 1:              return x          if x == 2:              return x * (x-1)          if x == 3:              return x * (x-1) * (x-2)          if x == 4:              return x * (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-3)          if x == 5:              return x * (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-3) * (x-4)          if x == 6:              return x * (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-3) * (x-4) * (x-5)      print factorial (6)</pre>    <p></p>    <p> 原文:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332531784878624" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">fmeyer</a>    编译:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958185140659301754" target="_blank">伯乐</a>在线 – <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958332535588027951" target="_blank">黄利民</a></p>