
jopen 8年前

'NotificationAlertView' 允许你将视图作为弹窗提醒,容易扩展和灵活集成。'NotificationAlertView' allow you to show any view as popup notification with cube transform. Developed for easy extension and flexible integration.


pod 'NotificationAlertView'

Demo usage

Popup with custom view

As a popup may be used any view for example view configured from storyboard

let popup = NotificationAlertView.popupWithView(self.samplePopupView)

change height or popup position

let popup = NotificationAlertView.popupWithView(self.samplePopupView)    popup.position = NotificationAlertViewPosition.Bottom    popup.height = 150

Question popup

Popup with text and Yes/No options. Use customCompletionHandler to get presed option index (Yes:0 No:1)

let question = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?"    let popup = NotificationAlertView.popupWithQuestion(question)    popup.customCompletionHandler = {        (index: Int) -> Void in        NotificationAlertView.hideAnimated(true)        print("Taped button at index: \(index)")    }

Dialog popup

Popup with text and warious number of options. Use customCompletionHandler to get presed option index

let question = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?"    let buttonTitles = ["Yes", "No", "Oh No!"]    let popup = NotificationAlertView.popupDialogWithText(question, options: buttonTitles)    popup.customCompletionHandler = {        (index: Int) -> Void in        NotificationAlertView.hideAnimated(true)        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Taped button", message: "at index: \(index)", preferredStyle: .Alert)        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok",      style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default,      handler: { (action) -> Void in            alert.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)        }))        self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)       }    popup.animationDuration = 1

Text popup

Simple popup with text. Use hideAfterDelay property or outer action to hide

let popup = NotificationAlertView.popupWithText("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.")    popup.hideAfterDelay = 3    popup.animationDuration = 1
