
jopen 10年前

这个文章中我会简要介绍使用python中的docker-py模块来操作Docker 容器,这里会使用我喜爱的编程工具IPython。


首先需要docker-py。注意这里的案例中我将会使用Ubuntu Trusty 14.04版本。

$ pip install docker-py


我真的很喜欢用IPython来探索Python。 它像是一共高级的python Shell,但是可以做的更多。

$ sudo apt-get install ipython  SNIP!  $ ipython  Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.    IPython 1.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.  ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.  %quickref -> Quick reference.  help      -> Python's own help system.  object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.    In [1]:

安装 docker


$ sudo apt-get install docker.io

然后把 docker.io 起个别名 docker

$ alias docker='docker.io'  $ docker version  Client version: 0.9.1  Go version (client): go1.2.1  Git commit (client): 3600720  Server version: 0.9.1  Git commit (server): 3600720  Go version (server): go1.2.1  Last stable version: 0.11.1, please update docker


$ ls /var/run/docker.sock  /var/run/docker.sock

Pull 镜像

让我们下载 busybox镜像

$ docker pull busybox  Pulling repository busybox  71e18d715071: Download complete  98b9fdab1cb6: Download complete  1277aa3f93b3: Download complete  6e0a2595b580: Download complete  511136ea3c5a: Download complete  b6c0d171b362: Download complete  8464f9ac64e8: Download complete  9798716626f6: Download complete  fc1343e2fca0: Download complete  f3c823ac7aa6: Download complete

现在我们准备使用 docker-py 了。

使用 docker-py

现在我们有了docker-py , IPython, Docker 和 busybox 镜像,我们就能建立一些容器。

首先启动一个IPython ,导入docker模块。

$ ipython  Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)  Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.    IPython 1.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.  ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.  %quickref -> Quick reference.  help      -> Python's own help system.  object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.    In [1]: import docker


In [2]: c = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',     ...:                   version='1.9',     ...:                   timeout=10)


IPython使用tab键来补全的。 如果 输入 “c.” 然后按下tab键,IPython会显示Docker连接对象所有的方法和属性。

In [3]: c.  c.adapters                      c.headers                       c.pull  c.attach                        c.history                       c.push  c.attach_socket                 c.hooks                         c.put  c.auth                          c.images                        c.remove_container  c.base_url                      c.import_image                  c.remove_image  c.build                         c.info                          c.request  c.cert                          c.insert                        c.resolve_redirects  c.close                         c.inspect_container             c.restart  c.commit                        c.inspect_image                 c.search  c.containers                    c.kill                          c.send  c.cookies                       c.login                         c.start  c.copy                          c.logs                          c.stop  c.create_container              c.max_redirects                 c.stream  c.create_container_from_config  c.mount                         c.tag  c.delete                        c.options                       c.top  c.diff                          c.params                        c.trust_env  c.events                        c.patch                         c.verify  c.export                        c.port                          c.version  c.get                           c.post                          c.wait  c.get_adapter                   c.prepare_request  c.head                          c.proxies

让我们来看下c.images 我输入一个 “?”在c.之后,ipython 会提供这个对象的详细信息。

In [5]: c.images?  Type:       instancemethod  String Form:<bound method Client.images of <docker.client.Client object at 0x7f3acc731790>>  File:       /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/docker/client.py  Definition: c.images(self, name=None, quiet=False, all=False, viz=False)  Docstring:  <no docstring>

获取busybox 镜像。

In [6]: c.images(name="busybox")  Out[6]:  [{u'Created': 1401402591,    u'Id': u'71e18d715071d6ba89a041d1e696b3d201e82a7525fbd35e2763b8e066a3e4de',    u'ParentId': u'8464f9ac64e87252a91be3fbb99cee20cda3188de5365bec7975881f389be343',    u'RepoTags': [u'busybox:buildroot-2013.08.1'],    u'Size': 0,    u'VirtualSize': 2489301},   {u'Created': 1401402590,    u'Id': u'1277aa3f93b3da774690bc4f0d8bf257ff372e23310b4a5d3803c180c0d64cd5',    u'ParentId': u'f3c823ac7aa6ef78d83f19167d5e2592d2c7f208058bc70bf5629d4bb4ab996c',    u'RepoTags': [u'busybox:ubuntu-14.04'],    u'Size': 0,    u'VirtualSize': 5609404},   {u'Created': 1401402589,    u'Id': u'6e0a2595b5807b4f8c109f3c6c5c3d59c9873a5650b51a4480b61428427ab5d8',    u'ParentId': u'fc1343e2fca04a455f803ba66d1865739e0243aca6c9d5fd55f4f73f1e28456e',    u'RepoTags': [u'busybox:ubuntu-12.04'],    u'Size': 0,    u'VirtualSize': 5454693},   {u'Created': 1401402587,    u'Id': u'98b9fdab1cb6e25411eea5c44241561326c336d3e0efae86e0239a1fe56fbfd4',    u'ParentId': u'9798716626f6ae4e6b7f28451c0a1a603dc534fe5d9dd3900150114f89386216',    u'RepoTags': [u'busybox:buildroot-2014.02', u'busybox:latest'],    u'Size': 0,    u'VirtualSize': 2433303}]

建立一个容器。 注意我添加一个可以将要运行的命令,这里用的是”env”命令。

In [8]: c.create_container(image="busybox", command="env")  Out[8]:  {u'Id': u'584459a09e6d4180757cb5c10ac354ca46a32bf8e122fa3fb71566108f330c87',   u'Warnings': None}


In [9]: c.start(container="584459a09e6d4180757cb5c10ac354ca46a32bf8e122fa3fb71566108f330c87")

我们可以检查日志,应该可以看到当容器创建的时候 ,我们配置的”env”命令的输出。

In [11]: c.logs(container="584459a09e6d4180757cb5c10ac354ca46a32bf8e122fa3fb71566108f330c87")  Out[11]: 'HOME=/\nPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin\nHOSTNAME=584459a09e6d\n'


$ docker run busybox env  HOME=/  PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin  HOSTNAME=ce3ad38a52bf



In [17]: busybox = c.create_container(image="busybox", command="echo hi")    In [18]: busybox?  Type:       dict  String Form:{u'Id': u'34ede853ee0e95887ea333523d559efae7dcbe6ae7147aa971c544133a72e254', u'Warnings': None}  Length:     2  Docstring:  dict() -> new empty dictionary  dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's      (key, value) pairs  dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:      d = {}      for k, v in iterable:          d[k] = v  dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs      in the keyword argument list.  For example:  dict(one=1, two=2)    In [19]: c.start(busybox.get("Id"))    In [20]: c.logs(busybox.get("Id"))  Out[20]: 'hi\n'



docker-py模块来创建docker 容器。 现在使用python,我们可以结合docker和容易 创造出很多新的点子。

