Robolinux 7.8.1 发布

jopen 9年前

Robolinux是基于Debian GNU/Linux最新稳定发行的用户友好的、直观的操作系统。该项目非常有趣的特性之一是预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机支持套件,可运行 Windows XP或Windows 7,从而允许用户在Robolinux中无缝安装和运行Windows操作系统。

John Martinson has announced the release of Robolinux 7.8.1, the latest update of the project's beginner-friendly distribution based on Debian's stable branch: "Robolinux is quite proud and excited to announce its brand new 'Supersonic 3D Speed' GNOME version 7.8.1. A massive amount of time and effort was spent to significantly speed up this new Robolinux GNOME version by creating a more streamlined menu system, removing the Nautilus file manager load time lag to zero seconds, and optimizing many other GNOME core applications. The 32-bit and 64-bit variants are based on the newest rock-solid Debian stable 7.8 kernel and source code. Please note that the Robolinux GNOME FAQ section is being edited as fast as we can to reflect the completely new user interface. We also upgraded Robolinux Xfce and LXDE with the newest Debian upstream 7.8 kernels and security updates...." See the project's SourceForge page to read the rest of the release announcement. Download (MD5) links (pkglist, username: "live", password: "live"): robolinux64-gnome-v7.8.1.iso (1,999MB), robolinux64-lxde-v7.8.1.iso (1,626MB), robolinux64-xfce-v7.8.1.iso (1,818MB).
