Robolinux 7.4.2 发布,预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机

jopen 10年前

Robolinux是基于Debian GNU/Linux最新稳定发行的用户友好的、直观的操作系统。该项目非常有趣的特性之一是预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机支持套件,可运行 Windows XP或Windows 7,从而允许用户在Robolinux中无缝安装和运行Windows操作系统。
Robolinux 7.4.2 发布,预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机
John Martinson has announced the release of Robolinux 7.4.2, a user-friendly, Debian-based distribution featuring integrated virtualisation software (for running another operating system in an application window as a "guest"). From the distribution's download page on SourceForge: " What's new in Robolinux version 7.4.2? First, we updated our Robolinux Debian based operating system. Second, we are also announcing two new software programs: Robolinux Stealth VM Software for Linux Mint and Ubuntu operating systems! Since Robolinux invented 'Revolutionary Stealth VM' inside our Debian operating system we decided to create specific versions that work on all Linux operating systems so now anyone can run Windows XP or 7 inside Linux Mint or Ubuntu virus free! Please note the Robolinux Stealth VM for openSUSE and all RPM based operating systems will be available in April, 2014...." Check Robolinux web site as well as the project site for further information. Download: robolinux64v7.4.2.iso (1,843MB). Robolinux 7.4.2 发布,预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机