PDF文档操作 Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java 4.0 发布

webphp 13年前
     <p>Aspose.Pdf.Kit 是一个 Java 的组件用来操作 PDF 文档。</p>    <p>4.0 版本包含两个跟文本抽取相关的新特性:抽取文本到 HTML 以及获得所抽取文本的格式化信息。其他方面都是bug的修复。</p>    <p>下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958191847000868771" target="_blank">Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java</a><br /> <br /> It supports form field creation, document, text and page properties, color space, text, heading, and attachment settings. It lets you create PDF documents by using its API with XML templates and XSL-FO files. It also converts HTML, XSL-FO, and MS Word to PDF. Other features include image formats and security features, hyperlinks, the ability to add footnotes, automatic fitting to content in a table, decimal Tab stops, HTML tags, and keeping paragraphs together when breaking pages.</p>