PDF文档操作Java类库,Apache PDFBox 1.7.1 发布

jopen 12年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958341776221687429" target="_blank">PDFBox</a>是Java实现的PDF文档协作类库,提供PDF文档的创建、处理以及文档内容提取功能,也包含了一些命令行实用工具。</p>    <p>主要特性包括:</p>    <ul>     <li>从PDF提取文本 </li>     <li>合并PDF文档 </li>     <li>PDF 文档加密与解密 </li>     <li>与Lucene搜索引擎的集成 </li>     <li>填充PDF/XFDF表单数据 </li>     <li>从文本文件创建PDF文档 </li>     <li>从PDF页面创 建图片 </li>     <li>打印PDF文档</li>    </ul>    <p>Apache PDFBox 1.7.1 发布了,这是一个 bug 修复版本,主要改进内容包括:</p>    <pre>改进  [PDFBOX-564] -  Change the wrapped exception to extend Exception and pass the wrapped                   exception for more standard/better printout of wrapped exceptions  [PDFBOX-1099] - Only parsing object streams if they are referenced by the xref table/stream  [PDFBOX-1333] - Stream parsing of BaseParser should fall back to scanning if length    value is wrong  [PDFBOX-1358] - Reduce the memory consumption of a RandomAccessBuffer    Bug修复  [PDFBOX-954] -  Embedded font: value for /Widths faulty (worked in PDFBox 1.3.0!)  [PDFBOX-1323] - PDF with subset CIDFontType2 (TTF) paints wrong characters  [PDFBOX-1331] - Can't load any text when font is null  [PDFBOX-1334] - EmptyStackException in PDFStreamEngine.getFonts  [PDFBOX-1337] - Improve PDFOperator performance on multithreading environment  [PDFBOX-1339] - PDFMergerUtility addSources function does not work  [PDFBOX-1340] - i got wrong characters when i extract some chinese pdf files  [PDFBOX-1349] - Postscript tables of truetype fonts are not correctly parsed.  [PDFBOX-1353] - PDFBox extracts wrong characters for some korean pdf files.  [PDFBOX-1355] - Truetype font loaded in 1.6.0 (and previous), does not load in 1.7.0  [PDFBOX-1357] - Missing character encoding in MacRoman & WinAnsi</pre>