Manjaro Linux "MATE", "Enlightenment" 发布

jopen 11年前

Manjaro Linux是快速的、用户友好的、面向桌面的、基于Arch Linux的操作系统。它的一些显著特性包括:一份直观的安装程序、自动硬件检测、稳定的滚动式发布模式、对安装多个内核的支持、用于管理图形卡的特别Bash脚本、高度的桌面可配置性。Manjaro Linux提供Xfce和Openbox桌面作为核心选项,并为高级用户提供一份最小主义的Net版本。用户还可以获得社区支持的GNOME 3/Cinnamon及KDE版本。Manjaro的社区论坛可提供帮助并充满活力,用户受益其中。
 Manjaro Linux
The Manjaro development team has announced the release of two community-built editions of Manjaro Linux - one featuring the MATE desktop and the other the Enlightenment window manager. Both editions come with Linux kernel 3.10.12, X.Org Server 1.14.2 and Firefox 23.0.1; the MATE desktop is at version 1.6.1 while Enlightenment is version 0.17.4. From the "MATE" edition release announcement: " On behalf of the Manjaro Turkey community we are happy to announce our MATE respin of Manjaro Linux 'Ascella'. With this release the Turkish community adds a nicely-styled install media, in addition to all officially released editions by Manjaro developers. This respin is based on the stable branch and it can be used on a daily basis and easily installed by graphical or text installers." The "Enlightenment" announcement contains much of the same text, but adds a warning about a known issue: " Sadly we missed to add any polkit agent to these install media." Quick download links: manjaro-mate- (1,237MB, SHA1), manjaro-e17- (1,084MB, SHA1). <IMG title="Manjaro Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt="Manjaro Linux " vspace=6 src="" width=480 height=384 发布?="" ?enlightenment?="" mate?,="">