Manjaro Linux 0.8 "MATE" 发布,用户友好的Arch Linux的发行

jopen 11年前

Manjaro Linux是面向桌面的、用户友好的、基于Arch Linux的发行。它的一些显著特性包括:一份直观的安装程序、自动硬件检测、用于管理图形卡的特别Bash脚本、一组额外的桌面配置选项。Manjaro Linux带有三份样式,分别采用Xfce、GNOME 3(使用Cinnamon Shell)、KDE桌面。
 Manjaro Linux 0.8
Carl Duff has announced the release of Manjaro Linux 0.8 "MATE", the project's brand-new new community edition which features the increasingly popular fork of the GNOME 2 desktop: " Community editions of Manjaro Linux are released as bonus flavours in addition to those officially supported and maintained by the Manjaro team. Due to popular demand from members of the Manjaro community, this now includes a special new release of the MATE flavour for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Subject to a complete overhaul, this version also provides early access to some brand-new features yet to be seen in the upcoming official Manjaro 0.8.4 releases: new graphical boot screen; Linux kernel version 3.7; Pamac - a user user-friendly graphical interface to easily update the system and manage software...." See the release announcement for further details and screenshots. Download: manjaro-mate-0.8-r13-0215-x86_64.iso (650MB, SHA256). <IMG title="Manjaro Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt="Manjaro Linux 0.8 " vspace=6 src="" width=480 height=384 linux的发行?="" 发布,用户友好的arch="" mate?="">