绑定C++函数和类至V8 JavaScript引擎:v8pp

jopen 9年前

绑定C++函数和类至V8 JavaScript引擎:v8pp。这个已经在下环境测度过:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 (Windows 7/8)
  • GCC 4.8.1 (Ubuntu 13.10 with Linux kernel 3.11.0)
  • Clang 3.5 (Mac OS X 10.2)


v8pp supports V8 versions after 3.21 withv8::Isolateusage in API. There are 2 targets for binding:

  • v8pp::module, a wrapper class aroundv8::ObjectTemplate
  • v8pp::class_, a template class wrapper aroundv8::FunctionTemplate

Both of them require a pointer tov8::Isolateinstance. They allows to bind from C++ code such items as variables, functions, constants with a functionset(name, item):

v8::Isolate* isolate;    int var;  int get_var() { return var + 1; }  void set_var(int x) { var = x + 1; }    struct X  {      X(int v, bool u) : var(v) {}      int var;      int get() const { return var; }      voi set(int x) { var = x; }   };    // bind free variables and functions  v8pp::module mylib(isolate);  mylib      // set read-only attribute      .set_const("PI", 3.1415)      // set variable available in JavaScript with name `var`      .set("var", var)      // set function get_var as `fun`      .set("fun", &get_var)      // set property `prop` with getter get_var() and setter set_var()      .set("prop", property(get_var, set_var))    // bind class  v8pp::class_<X> X_class(isolate);  X_class      // specify X constructor signature      .ctor<int, bool>()      // bind variable      .set("var", &X::var)      // bind function      .set("fun", &X::set)      // bind read-only property      .set("prop", property(&X::get))    // set class into the module template  mylib.set("X", X_class);    // set bindings in global object as `mylib`  isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global()->Set(      v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "mylib"), mylib.new_instance());


mylib.var = mylib.PI + mylib.fun();  var x = new mylib.X(1, true);  mylib.prop = x.prop +x.fun();
