将V8 JavaScript引擎绑定至Go语言:v8.go

jopen 10年前

v8.go是一个将V8 JavaScript引擎绑定至Go语言的开源项目。用于在Go语言中运行JavaScript。


  • Thread safe
  • Thorough and careful testing
  • Boolean, Number, String, Object, Array, Regexp, Function
  • Compile and run JavaScript
  • Save and load pre-compiled script data
  • Create JavaScript context with global object template
  • Operate JavaScript object properties and array elements in Go
  • Define JavaScript object template in Go with property accessors and interceptors
  • Define JavaScript function template in Go
  • Catch JavaScript exception in Go
  • Throw JavaScript exception by Go
  • JSON parse and generate

这个 'Hello World' 程序显示了如何使用 v8.go 来编译和运行 JavaScript 脚本,并得到结果。

package main    import "github.com/idada/v8.go"    func main() {      engine := v8.NewEngine()      script := engine.Compile([]byte("'Hello ' + 'World!'"), nil, nil)      context := engine.NewContext(nil)        context.Scope(func(cs v8.ContextScope) {          result := script.Run()          println(result.ToString())      })  }
