Linpus Linux 1.9 "Lite" 发布

jopen 11年前

百资Linux是一份基于Fedora的商用发行,它由百资科技公司开发,这是一家总部设在台北、开发部门设于上海的Linux公司。该产品的主要特性是支持简繁体中文、LSB 2.0认证、Unicode字符集支持、友好的GNOME桌面,并兼容广泛的计算机硬件。
 Linpus Linux 1.9
Linpus Linux 1.9 "Lite", a desktop Linux distribution featuring a customised GNOME 3 desktop with HTML 5 widgets and support for touch screens, has been released: " Linpus, a leader in the field of open-source software in the consumer space, announced the release of the latest version of their Linux distro, Linpus Lite. Linpus Lite has both full touch-based and mouse and keyboard-style launchers that can be easily swapped between through a menu item on the top bar or a touchpad gesture. Both look and user experience are designed to match whether you want to interact with the device through touch or through your keyboard. In addition, for key applications multi-touch behavior has also been added. Linpus has also worked very hard on web app integration in several ways. Anyone with a Chrome webstore account can login and automatically sync their Chrome applications to the launcher." See the press release for more information. Download: Linpus-Lite-1.9.1-x86_64-LiveCD.iso (516MB).
<IMG title="Linpus Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt=" Linpus Linux 1.9 " vspace=6 src="" width=480 height=384 发布?="" lite?="">