业务流程管理BPM工具,ProcessMaker 2.0.37 发布

fmms 12年前
     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958328480462153013" target="_blank">ProcessMaker</a>是一个运行于客户/服务端的商业进程(BPM)和工作流管理软件。它适用于中小型企业。</p>     <p><strong>功能和特点<br /> </strong>◆ 关图形化界面可以进行拖拽操作<br /> ◆ 基于XML的编辑器可以自定义流程的Web窗体<br /> ◆ 通过导入/导出可以很容易的交换文件<br /> ◆ 文档建立于所见即所得的页面编辑器<br /> ◆ 用户和用户群管理系统<br /> ◆ 基于当前流行技术PHP+MySQL<br /> ◆ 有智能引擎的模板</p>     <p><img alt="业务流程管理,ProcessMaker 2.0.37 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/8bdd45fec84f154cd7a78cedce3d8724.jpg" width="576" height="480" /></p>     <p>新版本改进记录:</p>     <ul>      <li>This is marked as a Hot Fix release and presents a new Simplified User Inbox in its initial version. </li>      <li>A bug has been fixed in Sugar Triggers to return more than 50 records<span class="truncate_more"> on any getSugar* function (8435). <br /> </span></li>      <li><span class="truncate_more">Issues with Case Reassignment have been fixed (7084). <br /> </span></li>      <li><span class="truncate_more">An issue on IE8 with some windows that appear transparent has been fixed (8226). <br /> </span></li>      <li><span class="truncate_more">This release adds validation on User photo upload and removes Resume (since it is not used anymore). <br /> </span></li>      <li><span class="truncate_more">There are improvements in the Dashboard and Dashlets layout</span></li>     </ul>    </div>