HTML5 Boilerplate:最流行的web开发前端模版

jopen 8年前


HTML5 Boilerplate:最流行的web开发前端模版


HTML5 Boilerplate 帮你构建 快速健壮 , 并且  适应力强 的web app或网站。 这个小小的源码包集合了100位开发者的经验,你可以将这些经验运用在你的项目中。

下载  v4.1.0 See the CHANGELOG


★Google统计、图标 和 更多

压缩包内包含了 一个干净、移动终端友好的HTML模版;优化过的Google统计代码;触摸屏设备上使用的图标(这个可以替换成你自己的);还有丰富的文档、技巧、窍门。

★ Normalize.css 和辅助功能

包含了 Normalize.css v1 版本 — 一个先进的、支持HTML5的CSS reset — 和基础样式、辅助功能、media queries、打印样式。

★ jQuery 与 Modernizr

自带了两个优秀的Javascript工具库的最新版本: jQuery (默认链接到 Google的CDN, 如果CDN失效,本地文件作为后备) 和 Modernizr 浏览器特性监测工具库。

★ 高性能

我们提供了一组 Apache 配置参数,帮你提高网站的性能。 还有几个单独维护的项目: server configsnode build script , 和 ant build script .


他们都在用 HTML5 Boilerplate !

GoogleMicrosoftNASANikeBarack Obama , Mercedes-BenzITV NewsBAE SystemsCreative CommonsAustralia PostEntertainment Weekly , Racing Green , 此处省略N个名字。

下载  v4.1.0

HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

This project is the product of many years of iterative development and combined community knowledge. It does not impose a specific development philosophy or framework, so you're free to architect your code in the way that you want.

Quick start

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Download the latest stable release from  or create a custom build using  Initializr .
  2. Clone the git repo —  git clone  - and checkout the  tagged release you'd like to use.


  • HTML5 ready. Use the new elements with confidence.
  • Designed with progressive enhancement in mind.
  • Includes: </li>
  • Placeholder CSS Media Queries.
  • Useful CSS helper classes.
  • Default print styles, performance optimized.
  • An optimized version of the Google Universal Analytics snippet.
  • Protection against any stray  console  statements causing JavaScript errors in older browsers.
  • "Delete-key friendly." Easy to strip out parts you don't need.
  • Extensive inline and accompanying documentation.
  • </ul>

    Browser support

    • Chrome  (latest 2)
    • Edge  (latest 2)
    • Firefox  (latest 2)
    • Internet Explorer 8+
    • Opera  (latest 2)
    • Safari  (latest 2)

    This doesn't mean that HTML5 Boilerplate cannot be used in older browsers, just that we'll ensure compatibility with the ones mentioned above.

    If you need legacy browser support (IE 6+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 4+) you can use HTML5 Boilerplate v4 , but is no longer actively developed.


    Take a look at the documentation table of contents . This documentation is bundled with the project, which makes it readily available for offline reading and provides a useful starting point for any documentation you want to write about your project.


    Hundreds of developers have helped make the HTML5 Boilerplate what it is today. Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute , however, if you decide to get involved, please take a moment to review the  guidelines :


    The code is available under the MIT license .
