MySQL衍生版 Percona Server 5.1.65-14.0 发布

jopen 12年前
   <p>Percona 为 MySQL 数据库服务器进行了改进,在功能和性能上较 MySQL 有着很显著的提升。该版本提升了在高负载情况下的 InnoDB 的性能、为 DBA 提供一些非常有用的性能诊断工具;另外有更多的参数和命令来控制服务器行为。</p>    <p>Percona Server 只包含 MySQL 的服务器版,并没有提供相应对 MySQL 的 Connector 和 GUI 工具进行改进。</p>    <h1><img title="Percona Server logo" alt="MySQL衍生版 Percona Server" src="" width="90" height="90" /></h1>    <p><b>Percona 5.1系列的分支5.1.65-14.0发布。</b></p>    <p>完全改进包括:</p>    <p>Percona is glad to announce the release of <em>Percona Server</em> 5.1.65-14.0 on September 3rd, 2012 (Downloads are available from <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523534691742088">Percona Server 5.1.65-14.0 downloads</a> and from the <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200206869419616">Percona Software Repositories</a>).</p>    <p>Based on <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523534870463957">MySQL 5.1.65</a>, including all the bug fixes in it, <em>Percona Server</em> 5.1.65-14.0 is now the current stable release in the 5.1 series. All of <em>Percona</em>‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523534988989061">5.1.65-14.0 milestone at Launchpad</a>.</p>    <div id="features" class="section">     <h2>Features</h2>     <blockquote>      <div>       <p><em>Percona Server</em> now supports <a class="reference internal" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535121771469"><em>XtraDB changed page tracking</em></a>. This feature will be used for implementing faster incremental backups that use this information to avoid full data scans.</p>       <p>New table <a class="reference internal" title="INNODB_CHANGED_PAGES" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535238188172"><tt class="xref psdom psdom-table docutils literal"><span class="pre">INNODB_CHANGED_PAGES</span></tt></a> has been implemented. This table contains a list of modified pages from the modified page bitmap files produced by the log tracking thread.</p>       <p>HandlerSocket has been upgraded to version 1.1.0.</p>      </div>     </blockquote>    </div>    <div id="bug-fixes" class="section">     <h2>Bug Fixes</h2>     <blockquote>      <div>       <p>Loading LRU dump was preventing shutdown. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535361062948">#712055</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>The kill idle transactions feature in <em>XtraDB</em> (if enabled) could sometimes cause the server to crash. Bug Fixed: <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200209042794845">#871722</a> (<em>Stewart Smith</em>)</p>       <p>Fixed server assertion error related to buffer pool, only visible in debug builds. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535534626905">#905334</a> (<em>Laurynas Biveinis</em>).</p>       <p>Querying I_S.GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLES or TEMPORARY_TABLES would crash threads working with temporary tables. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535659757292">#951588</a> (<em>Laurynas Biveinis</em>).</p>       <p>A crash could leave behind an InnoDB temporary table with temporary indexes resulting in an unbootable server. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535778853826">#999147</a> (<em>Laurynas Biveinis</em>).</p>       <p>Fixed the upstream MySQL bug <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523535912651552">#66301</a>. Concurrent INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements on a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column could result in spurious duplicate key errors (and, as a result, lost data due to some rows being updated rather than inserted) with the default value of innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536027917119">#1035225</a> (<em>Alexey Kopytov</em>)</p>       <p>Since the output file is simply overwritten when dumping the LRU list, we could end up with a partially written dump file in case of a crash, or when making a backup copy of it. Safer approach has been implemented. It now dumps to a temporary file first, and then renames it to the actual dump file. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536153677872">#686392</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>Fixed the issue where LRU dump would hold LRU_list_mutex during the entire dump process. Now the mutex is periodically released in order not to block server while the dump is in progress. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536271891236">#686534</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>Removed error log warnings that occured after enabling <a class="reference internal" title="innodb_use_sys_stats_table" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536384919990"><tt class="xref psdom psdom-variable docutils literal"><span class="pre">innodb_use_sys_stats_table</span></tt></a> and before ANALYZE TABLE is run for each table. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536506355522">#890623</a> (<em>Alexey Kopytov</em>).</p>       <p>A Server acting as a replication slave with the query cache enabled could crash with glibc detected memory corruption. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536631402851">#915814</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>If the tablespace has been created with MySQL 5.0 or older, importing that table could crash <em>Percona Server</em> in some cases. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536754505441">#1000221</a> (<em>Alexey Kopytov</em>).</p>       <p>Error log messages are now more verbose for LRU dump. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523536874515413">#713481</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>Fixed issue where <tt class="xref psdom psdom-variable docutils literal"><span class="pre">innodb_blocking_lru_restore</span></tt> did not take an optional bool argument similar to other bool options. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523537000812105">#881001</a> (<em>George Ormond Lorch III</em>).</p>       <p>Removed the unneeded script. The server now does this sorting automatically and has done for some time. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523537120022059">#882653</a> (<em>Stewart Smith</em>).</p>       <p>Server started with <tt class="xref psdom psdom-option docutils literal"><span class="pre">skip-innodb</span></tt> crashes on <cite>SELECT * FROM INNODB_TABLE_STATS</cite> or <cite>INNODB_INDEX_STATS</cite>. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523537243404175">#896439</a> (<em>Stewart Smith</em>).</p>       <p>Removed the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table INNODB_PATCHES (actually XTRADB_ENHANCEMENTS) as it was out of date and isn’t in 5.5 or later either. Bug fixed <a class="reference external" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523537358787284">#1009997</a> (<em>Stewart Smith</em>).</p>      </div>     </blockquote>    </div>    <p>下载:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958523537487514637">Percona-Server-5.1.65-rel14.0.tar.gz</a></p>