Minimum Profit 5.2.7 发布,程序文本编辑器

jopen 10年前

Minimum Profit (mp) 是一个程序员文本编辑器,占用内存和磁盘空间很小,支持语法着色、上下文相关的帮助、同时编辑多个文件、ctags 支持。

发布说明: This release added file format dependent build targets (to be used if a Makefile is not found in the current directory). open_under_cursor now also works over diff file marks. A new configuration variable that adds options to make was implemented. \x{HHHH} Unicode code points are now accepted in search and replace. A new status line format token that shows the Unicode codepoint of the character under the cursor was implemented. Some minor bugs were fixed

程序员文本编辑器,Minimum Profit 5.2.2 发布