视频编辑和播放软件,LiVES 2.0.6 发布

jopen 10年前

LiVES 是一个简单易用但功能强大的视频效果,编辑,转换和播放软件。它使用现有普通工具(MPlayer 的,ImageMagick的,和GTK +),因此它可以在大多数的Unix类系统。它运行的Linux,BSD,Mac OS X中/Darwin文,IRIX上openMosix。这是和抽样准确,可以处理几乎所有类型的视频,并完全通过插件和扩展,包括插件的建设者的工具。它 也可以使用OSC被远程控制。

视频编辑和播放软件 LiVES 1.4.8 发布

Release Notes: A new "clip thumbnails window" was added for dual head mode. "Activated" and "Activate" pseudo-parameters were added in the data connection mapper. A "kaleidoscope" realtime effect was added. Bugs with the "clear" button in the rte mapping window, a possible issue with OSC constants lookups, a crash when resetting playback speed and no audio is playing, and a vertical spacing error for radio buttons in parameter windows were all fixed. "wrap" is enabled for relevant parameters when using keyboard control. The translation to Ukranian was updated

项目地址: http://lives.sourceforge.net/