Tiny Core Linux 5.0 发布,一份12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面

jopen 11年前

Tiny Core Linux是一份12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面。它基于Linux 2.6内核、BusyBox、Tiny X、Fltk、Flwm。其核心完全运行于内存中并且启动非常快。用户对需要支持哪些应用程序和/或额外硬件拥有完全的控制,无论系统是面向台式机、上网机、应用服务器;这可以从该项目的在线软件仓库中进行选择。
Tiny Core Linux 5.0 发布,一份12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面
Tiny Core Linux 5.0 has been released. Tiny Core Linux is a minimalist, but highly modular and extensible Linux distribution with flwm as the default window manager. From the release announcement: " Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core 5.0. Changelog: Linux kernel update to 3.8.10 with (U)EFI boot enabled; option to use vmlinuz + rootfs.gz + modules.gz or vmlinuz64 + rootfs.gz + modules64.gz (where boot loader permits); aterm, freetype, imlib2, jpeg and libpng factored out of Xlibs/Xprogs; glibc updated to 2.17 and recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers; GCC updated to 4.7.2, recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers and cloog, gmp, mpc, mpfr and ppl; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.42.7; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.23.1; scm extensions have been dropped; fixed copy2fs bug with tc-load.... Note that due to factoring out and updating libpng, many extensions from the Tiny Core 4.x repository will not work with Tiny Core 5.0." Download: TinyCore-5.0.iso (14.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-5.0.iso (71.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox). Tiny Core Linux 5.0 发布,一份12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面