ZevenOS 5.0,基于Ubuntu的GNU/Linux发行

jopen 11年前

 ZevenOS 5.0,基于Ubuntu的GNU/Linux发行
ZevenOS是一份基于Ubuntu的GNU/Linux发行,它的主旨是提供一份快速易用的系统,并带有类似BeOS的用户界面和对老旧硬件的支持。 该发行构建于一份近期的Linux内核,并带有大量的流行开源应用软件以支持办公应用、多媒体播放、软件开发。ZevenOS还包含了MAGI,这是一份 启动应用软件及管理系统的工具。

Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 5.0, a Xubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution featuring the Xfce desktop environment and a BeOS-like desktop theme: " I am proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 5.0 and thank you all for funding this release. In this release we made the switch from our deskbar tool to the Xfce panel 'deskbar' mode which introduces many new features, like extensible plugin support and the ability to configure your desktop. This release is based on Xubuntu 12.10 and is compatible with the Ubuntu repositories; it brings in many changes, such as Linux kernel 3.5, X.Org 7.7 and PulseAudio 2.1. Changes: OpenShot 1.4.3 with 油Tube upload support and a lot more features; AbiWord 2.9.2, the current edge of development; Audacity 2.0, Claws-Mail 3.8.1, Firefox 17, GIMP 2.8, Inkscape 0.48." Here is the brief release announcement with an embedded video. Download (MD5) from here: zevenos5-desktop.iso
 ZevenOS 5.0,基于Ubuntu的GNU/Linux发行