XML 数据库,BaseX 7.1 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p>BaseX 7.1 主要在以下几个方面进行改进:</p>    <p>图形界面: the management of your databases, documents, binary files, and index structure has got easier than ever before.</p>    <p>JSON: import, query, and export JSON data via XQuery,<span class="truncate_more"> REST, or on the command line. </span></p>    <p><span class="truncate_more">增量索引: update the text and attributes index in real time. </span></p>    <p><span class="truncate_more">路径统计: retrieve distinct values of location paths in constant time. New XQuery functions to simplify database, full-text, index, and repository access. </span></p>    <p><span class="truncate_more">XQuery 3.0 特性: EQNames, namespace constructors, etc. </span></p>    <p><span class="truncate_more">重新设计命令行 API: it can process multiple inputs in one run<br /> <br /> </span><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193516971842222" target="_blank">BaseX </a>是一个XML数据库,用来存储紧缩的XML数据,提供了高效的 XPath 和 XQuery 的实现,还包括一个前端操作界面。</p>